Web Publishing for Stern Pages 

Secure Publishing with WinSCP

WinSCP is a free SCP client for Windows that allows secure file-transferring. It can be downloaded and installed on your computer. You do not need to change the setup defaults, simply continue clicking Next until the installation is complete. You may need to restart your computer after it has finished. 

After the program has installed, click on SSH in the left-side menu and change the "Preferred SSH Protocol Version" to 2.

Start WinSCP by double clicking the icon labeled WinSCP on your desktop. 

1. In the field labeled Hostname enter the name of the server you want to connect to. 

The host name is: (for students) or (for employees)

2. Click on the selection button in front of SFTP under Protocol.

3. For the Username and Password fields, enter your Stern NetID and password. Click Login to connect. 

4. If asked to add a port, make sure to set the Port to 22.

Accepting A Server Key

If this is the first time you have ever connected to a particular server, you will be prompted to accept the server's host key to connect. This host key is a unique key for each server, and it ensures that every future attempt to connect to the server will always be to that server, and not some other server pretending to be the server you want to connect to. You will only need to accept a key once for each server you connect to. Click Yes to accept the key and continue the login process. 

Transferring Files

After a server key is accepted, the main WinSCP window will appear. The primary mechanism for transferring files is dragging and dropping files between the left and right panes of the GUI. The left pane displays files local to the computer, and the right pane displays files located on the remote server. You can create folders on the remote server by clicking in the right pane and clicking Create Directory along the bottom edge of the WinSCP window. 


If your window does not appear with two panels, this means that your default interface has been set to show only the remote directory. To change this, exit and reopen WinSCP, and choose Preferences from the left menu of the Login Window. Under Interface, select Norton Commander as shown below. Then close the window and start again for your preferences to take effect.

Removing and Backing up Old Web Pages

If you no longer wish to have your web pages accessible online, you must first determine whether or not you would like to save a backup of the old file, or if you would like to simply delete it. 

To save a copy of your page on the server, but remove it from the web, you can save it to your "private_html" directory (if you do not have a private_html folder, click "Create Directory" from your root directory to make one). First, copy the files or folders your would like backed up to your local server or hard drive, then transfer it back onto the remote server under the "private_html" directory (see "Transferring Files" section in the WinSCP guide). 

To save a copy of your page on your H: drive (or other hard drive or space you own), in the left panel, go to the directory on your where you would like the file saved. Then, in your public_html folder on the right, drag the file or directory you would like to back up to the left panel. 

-- Now you need to delete the file from your server. Simply highlight it and click the Delete button. Your webpage will no longer appear at your url. 

Web Publishing for Departmental Pages & Videos

There are 2 general means for departments to publish web content.

This section describes how to publish departmental web content and videos to the legacy system.

Authorization - Only authorized individuals are allowed to access To get authorization, your department coordinator or chairperson should the Stern IT Service Desk and request "access to the system" and specify what directories they need access to.

Layout - Departmental content on is organized under 2 main directories:

Departments and authorized individuals have access to specified subfolders under these directories. When requesting authorization, it is important that you specify what directories you are requesting authorization for.

System Access

Use Putty & WinSCP as you would access eureka or sales as outlined elsewhere. However the name of the system to access is called "". 

IMPORTANT - this system can only be accessed while on NYU campus. 

To access it remotely from outside the NYU network do the following: